Deep Sea Survival Basics
In a mysterious body of water near the Atlantic Seacost, known as the Bermuda Triangle, an unusual number of planes and ships have vanished under very bizarre circumstances. To this day the Bermuda Triangle remains an unsolved mystery... or is it?
In your mini-sub you discover a spectacular city at the bottom of the ocean. Its machinery still churns, yet there are no signs of intelligent life. Suddenly you spot several odd looking artifacts. Could they hold the key to the Bermuda Triangle mystery? Maybe. But one thing is certain, they must be extremely valuable. But watch out! From out of nowhere, deadly laser beams rip past your vessel. Survive them and you will still have to face giant squid, man-eating sharks, explosive mines and aquatic drones, all determined to prevent you from removing these treasures.
A Data Age (TM) Video Game.
Deep See Expedition Objectives You must guide your mini-sub to the mysterious underwater city and collect as many priceless artifacts as you can, then deliver them to your research ship waiting on the surface before your mini-subs are destroyed.
Research Ship
Your research ship is counting on you to deliver
the valuable treasures from the bottom of the ocean.
An advanced one-man submarine equipped with a special
energy pod which can release a powerful tractor beam
on command. With this tractor beam you can capture
the undersea treasures.
Valuable Artifacts
Tachyon Modulator Unit
These appear to be some form of communication device,
yet at this time it is only a guess. They may be found
at several locations within the underwater city.
Water Dissociation Module
These are also scattered about the city and were apparently
used at one time to seperate water into hydrogen and oxygen
gas. The gasses in turn were most likely directed to fuel
cells to generate electricity.
Korbinian Cube
Although these strange objects can be found throughout the
city, their purpose is still a mystery.
Objects to Avoid
Giant Squid
These creatures thrive in the warm waters above the city.
Contact them and you will be temporarily immobilized and
you will lose the valuables you have just collected.
Man-Eating Shark
Contact with a shark will also result in temporary
immobilization and loss of valuable cargo.
Aquatic Drones
Remote controlled saucer-shaped objects that patrol the
underwater city. To save your cargo, you must also avoid
these objects.
Explosive Mines
Armed with sensitive contact fuses, these devices must be
avoided at all cost. Contact one of these and your mini-sub
will be vaporized.
Bermuda Bomb
This device can only be found within the city. Its purpose
is unknown but don't try to pick it up. It is equipped with
an anti-tamper fuse that will trigger an explosion if
Enemy Ship
On the surface is an unidentified enemy ship that will
steal your cargo and destroy your mini-sub if you get
too close.
How to Plan Your Bermuda Triangle Expedition
1. Hook up your video game system according to the manufacturers
2. With game console power OFF, firmly plug in your BERMUDA TRIANGLE (TM)
game cartridge.
3. Turn game console power ON. If no picture appears, check to make sure
your game unit is hooked up correctly to your TV, then try steps
1-3 again.
4. Adjust the "Brightness" control on your TV for best contrast.
5. Plug your joystick controllers into the left receptacle of your game
console. For two players, use both joystick controllers. Player 1 uses
the left controller and Player 2 uses the right controller.
6. Select the game variation you want by depressing the "Game Select"
switch on your game console. There are 4 variations of Bermuda Triangle:
Game 1 -- Single player, laser beam comes into play after 10,000 points.
Game 2 -- Two players, laser beam comes into play after 10,000 points.
Game 3 -- Single player, laser beam comes into play at beginning of game.
Game 4 -- Two players, laser beam comes into play at beginning of game.
7. Select the level of difficulty for one or two players by positioning
the left difficulty switch to "B" for beginners or "A" for advanced.
Note: The right difficulty switch will have no effect.
8. Depress the reset switch then press the red fire control button to
start game play.
9. When a player loses a mini-sub, his turn will be over. To launch a
second mini-sub, press the red Fire Control Button on your joystick.
If there are two players, Player Two must press the red Fire Control
Button on his joystick controller to start his turn. Once Player Two's
turn is over, Player One must press the red Fire Control Button to
start his second turn; and so on.
10. Once the player loses all three of his mini-subs, the game will be
over. Push down the "RESET" switch to start a new game.
Use your joystick controller to propel your mini-sub through the treacherous waters of the Bermuda Triangle, then use your fire control button to launch your rocket powered projectiles at the dangerous obstacles in your path.
Score 50 points every time you knock out a killer shark, giant squid or aquatic drone. Each time you destroy an explosive mine you will score 200 points.
You will score a special bonus of 600 points each time you collect an artifact from the underwater city and deliver it to your research vessel. To accomplish this, you must first take your mini-sub to the maximum depth (as far as it will descend on your TV screen). Attempting to descend further will release a powerful tractor beam, shown as a column light, from the mini-sub's energy pod. At the same time you will hear a deep bass tone. You must use this tractor beam to collect the valuable artifacts. A rapid series of tones will let you know that the cargo is in your possession.
Now you must deliver your valuable cargo to the research ship waiting on the surface. Hit any obstacle on the way up and you will not only lose your cargo but also 100 points will be deducted from your score. If you make your delivery, the research ship will blink twice indicating that it has received the cargo, however, you will receive the 600 points only after the research ship safely crosses the screen.
For each 10,000 points you have scored, you will gain an additional mini-sub. The maximum number of mini-subs a player may have at any given time is 3.
Additional Undersea Dive Strategies
Since the obstacles in Bermuda Triangle can attack from both directions, you should avoid the extreme right or left sides of the screen. This will give you more time to respond.
In game #1 or #2, when you reach a score of 10,000 points, an intrusion detection system will activate and the underwater city will become ablaze with multicolored lights. At the same time the city's laser defense system will turn on and an occasional laser beam will vaporize one of the ships that wait on the surface. If you happen to be in the laser's path you will also be destroyed.
To reduce your chances of getting hit by the laser, you should avoid being directly below any of the surface ships.
All DATA AGE (TM) Video Games carry a limited one-year warranty -- our guarantee that if you find your cartridge to be defective in materials or workmanship within 12 months of your original purchase, Data Age, Inc., will repair or replace (at your option) the cartridge free of charge upon prepaid receipt of the cartridge and the proof of the date of purchase. (This warranty is limited to the electronic circuitry and mechanical parts of the cartridge, and does not apply to normal wear.)
Look for other DATA AGE (TM) Video Games wherever video game cartridges are sold. If you can't find our games in your area, drop us a line and we'll send you a list of stores near you.
Data Age, Inc., 62 South San Thomas Aquino Road,
Campbell, California 95008
(C) Copyright 1982 Data Age, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved.
The Bermuda Triangle is a section in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by imaginary lines connecting Bermuda to the Southern tip of Florida to Puerto Rico, then back to Bermuda.
On December 5, 1945, an entire training team of 14 airmen and five TBM Navy Avenger bombers departing on a training mission from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, vanished after reporting that their instruments had all "gone crazy." A rescue plane with a crew of 13 was dispatched immediately. It also vanished.
On February 2, 1963, a 425-foot freighter disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle without a message or a trace of debris.
In this mysterious region more than 100 other planes and ships have vanished... always without a trace of wreckage or survivors.
Because of the strange circumstances and the unusually high number of such occurrences, the Bermuda Triangle has also been referred to as "The Devil's Triangle," "The Triangle of Death," "The Sea of Lost Ships," and "The Graveyard of the Atlantic."
To date the Bermuda Triangle Mystery has not been solved, although many investigations have attempted to link it with UFOs, space-time warps, black holes, and other dimensions.
(C) Copyright 1982 Data Age, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 124-007
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